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Drink Driver Drink Spiked

A Huddersfield woman has been banned from driving for 3 years after being caught drink driving twice in less than a month.

The driver, 29 year old Laura Crosfield told the court that she started drinking after her father was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images.

The first offence took place when police saw her driving erratically. She was pulled over and breathalysed where she gave a reading of 62mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

Ms Cornfield was on bail for this offence when she was spotted getting behind the wheel of her car after drinking.

She was pulled over again and the time gave a breathalyser reading of 42mg of alcohol on 100ml of breath.

It should be noted that the legal limit for drink driving in England and Wales is 35mg go alcohol in 100ml of breath.

Crosfield told the court that their first offence took place after a male friend of hers spiked her drink.

She then told the court that the second offence took place after a customer bought her a drink in the Harrogate bar where she worked.

As well as being banned from driving, Ms Crosfield was also ordered to undertake 25 days of rehabilitative activities.


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