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A survey carried out by the British Social Attitude Survey has found that an overwhelming 77% of those people interviewed support a lowering of the drink driving limit in England and Wales.

The results of this survey may well come as no surprise as public opinion continues to sway towards a lower drink driving limit as undertaken by Scotland.

The current drink driving limit in England and Wales is 35mg of alcohol in every 100ml of breath. Scotland reduced their drink driving limit in 2014 to 22mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

At the time of Scotland reducing its drink driving limit, it was suggested that such a change would reduce reduce drink driving related deaths by around 10%.

Scotland has managed to show stats that indicate a 12.5% decrease in drink driving associated offences since they changed their drink driving limit.

It is widely known that England and Wales has one of the highest drink driving limits in Europe.

It is also of interest to note that England and Wales has kept their drink limit the same since 1965.

Adding to the support for such a reduction in limits is the road traffic safety charity, Brake! Other supporting groups include the RAC, the AA, the Institute of Advanced Motorists and the Police Federation.

It has been reported that every year around 240 people die and some 8,000 people are injured as a result of drink driving.

60% of those deaths and injuries are for those other than the driver, such as passengers, pedestrians and cyclists.

It is estimated that this costs the tax payer some £800 million per year.

Commenting on the issue, Gary Rae, Brake’s director of communications and campaigns, said: “Drink driving remains one of the biggest causes of devastating road crashes.

“We must continue to send a clear message to all drivers that drinking and driving is a lethal cocktail.

“This call to action today is a useful stepping stone to a time when there is a zero alcohol limit.”


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